Hose Technician

See the list of qualified and fast hydraulic hose repair services in Northland, New Zealand. 

Whenever you are in need of hydraulic hose repair replacement, installations, assemblies, or hose fittings for all types of hydraulic systems, we have the right hose technicians.

Dean Mechanical

Kaitaia based, Dean Mechanical is your one-stop shop for mechanical & hydraulic repairs.

Dean Mechanical

JM Engineering & Hydraulics Ltd

Whangarei based, JM Engineering & Hydraulics provides a full engineering & hydraulic repair service.

JM Engineering & Hydraulics Ltd

Find a Nearest Hydraulic Hose Repair: The BOAhub

This BOAhub mobile app feature gives heavy machinery users the freedom to choose, chat or call the nearest hydraulic hose repair mechanic in their location. Our expert hose mechanics are kitted with a complete mobile hydraulic hose repair unit.

Explore the nearest hose mechanic in your location. Available in Google Play Store and Apple App Store for free.

Our hydraulic hose repair technicians service Whangarei, Kaitaia, and Kerikeri. Access the World's Fastest Hydraulic Hose Repair Network.  Let's get in touch.

Mobile Hydraulic Hose Repair Unit: The BOApod

The BOApod is an all-weather, all-terrain mobile hydraulic repair unit that enables the user to assemble hydraulic hoses anytime, anywhere! It houses high-quality hoses, fittings, crimping machines and cut-off saws.

Step inside the BOApod


"The quality of hoses are great and I have especially noticed that on the drive motors on the Woodsman’s I’ve got, that they are definitely lasting longer."

Conan, Rotorua Logging Contractor

Phone: 0800 20 20 20

JM Engineering
127 George Street 
Kamo Hikurangi, 
Northland 0114 New Zealand

Dean Mechanical
76 SH 1 Awanui, Northland