The Norm

The Agriculture industry is normally situated in remote locations. When hoses blow, it has to be taken off, taken into town, and new one made up, and then taken back to the machine and re-fitted, which costs time and money. And in times like harvesting, downtime is a huge risk.

The Solution for Downtime

The BOApod

The BOApod is a mobile hydraulic hose repair service that provides on-site repairs. With this, farmers can diagnose and repair machines on site, getting the machine up and running immediately, reducing downtime, and increasing efficiency. Get in touch with BOA

The BOAhub

This hydraulic mobile app makes inventory and management easy. Create job cards on the go and its easy-to-use scan-to-order system makes reordering and stock control a breeze. Talk to one of our specialists to learn more.

Quality Products, Training & Support

The key to successful hydraulic hose repair and maintenance is the right equipmenthose & fittings, workplace training, and ongoing support. BOA provides it all, leaving nothing and nobody behind. Get in touch with our specialists


Receiving feedback from customers is an integral part of our success at BOA Hydraulics. Check out our customer testimonials from across New Zealand and Australia to hear what they have to say.

Watch more stories about their journey with us.

Frequently Asked Question

Don’t have staff with the skills or know how to make hoses

We will run through a full training session on delivery, and it's not rocket science so we can train any of your men, and we stay close for the first 6 months to ensure it works for you.

There are so many different fittings to carry

We tailor a stock package to suit your machines, of a lot of our customers will send through a couple of months worth of invoices from your current supplier. We can cross reference these to help with a stock package.

We are loyal to our local hose doctor

Loyalty works both ways so make sure they are looking after you with pricing, you will save up to 50% on your hoses and eliminate downtime.

0800 20 20 20 | 1800 40 30 40

Head Office 
7 David McCathie Place, Silverdale,
Auckland 0932

41 Edward Street,
Riverstone, NSW 2765

Postal Address 
PO Box 180,
Silverdale, 0932